Programmer Books

Mastering Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 Customization

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Book Description:

Mastering Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 Customization is a hands-on guide with step-by-step instructions for enhancing the functionality of UAG through customization. Each topic details one key aspect of functionality and the operative mechanism behind it, and suggests functionality that can be achieved with customization, along with helpful code samples. Whether you are a seasoned UAG consultant, deployment and support engineer or a UAG customer, this book is for you. Consultants will be able to enhance the services you can provide for UAG customization, while the book helps customers to achieve tasks that have been restricted to the realm of expert consultants until now. You should have a strofng understanding of the regular functionality of UAG, as well as a solid background in web development (ASP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript) for this book to take you to the next level.

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