Programmer Books

Programming Languages for MIS

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Book Description:

Programming Languages for MIS: Concepts and Practice supplies a synopsis of the major computer programming languages, including C++, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, VB.NET, C#.NET, ASP.NET, PHP (with MySQL), XML (with XSLT, DTD, and XML Schema), and SQL. Ideal for undergraduate students in IS and IT programs, this textbook and its previous versions have been used in the authors’ classes for the past 15 years.

Focused on web application development, the book considers client-side computing, server-side computing, and database applications. It emphasizes programming techniques, including structured programming, object-oriented programming, client-side programming, server-side programming, and graphical user interface.

  • Introduces the basics of computer languages along with the key characteristics of all procedural computer languages
  • Covers C++ and the fundamental concepts of the two programming paradigms: function-oriented and object-oriented
  • Considers HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for web page development
  • Presents VB.NET for graphical user interface development
  • Introduces PHP, a popular open source programming language, and explains the use of the MySQL database in PHP
  • Discusses XML and its companion languages, including XSTL, DTD, and XML Schema

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