Programmer Books

R Object-Oriented Programming

R Object-Oriented ProgrammingPDF Download for free:

Book Description:

R is best suited to produce data and visual analytics through customizable scripts and commands, instead of typical statistical tools that provide tick boxes and drop-down menus for users. The book is divided into three parts to help you perform these steps. It starts by providing you with an overview of the basic data types, data structures, and tools available in R that are used to solve common tasks. It then moves on to offer insights and examples on object-oriented programming with R; this includes an introduction to the basic control structures available in R with examples. It also includes details on how to implement S3 and S4 classes. Finally, the book provides three detailed examples that demonstrate how to bring all of these ideas together.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the fundamental data types and data structures in R
  • Explore the basic commands and tools to aid in addressing common tasks
  • Use the primary control structures in R to implement algorithms
  • Use and develop S3 and S4 classes
  • Discover the differences between S3 and S4 classes
  • Bring different ideas together to solve common problems
  • Understand the fundamental design and approach to object-oriented programming in R

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