Programmer Books

Spark for Python Developers

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Book Description:

Looking for a cluster computing system that provides high-level APIs? Apache Spark is your answer―an open source, fast, and general purpose cluster computing system. Spark’s multi-stage memory primitives provide performance up to 100 times faster than Hadoop, and it is also well-suited for machine learning algorithms.

Are you a Python developer inclined to work with Spark engine? If so, this book will be your companion as you create data-intensive app using Spark as a processing engine, Python visualization libraries, and web frameworks such as Flask.

To begin with, you will learn the most effective way to install the Python development environment powered by Spark, Blaze, and Bookeh. You will then find out how to connect with data stores such as MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Hadoop.

You’ll expand your skills throughout, getting familiarized with the various data sources (Github, Twitter, Meetup, and Blogs), their data structures, and solutions to effectively tackle complexities. You’ll explore datasets using iPython Notebook and will discover how to optimize the data models and pipeline. Finally, you’ll get to know how to create training datasets and train the machine learning models.

By the end of the book, you will have created a real-time and insightful trend tracker data-intensive app with Spark.

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