Programmer Books

Spring Boot Cookbook

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Book Description:

Spring Boot is Spring’s convention-over-configuration solution. This feature makes it easy to create Spring applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. Spring Boot has the great ability to be customized and enhanced, and is specifically designed to simplify development of a new Spring application.

This book will provide many detailed insights about the inner workings of Spring Boot, as well as tips and recipes to integrate the third-party frameworks and components needed to build complex enterprise-scale applications.

The book starts with an overview of the important and useful Spring Boot starters that are included in the framework, and teaches you to create and add custom Servlet Filters, Interceptors, Converters, Formatters, and PropertyEditors to a Spring Boot web application. Next it will cover configuring custom routing rules and patterns, adding additional static asset paths, and adding and modifying servlet container connectors and other properties such as enabling SSL.

Moving on, the book will teach you how to create custom Spring Boot Starters, and explore different techniques to test Spring Boot applications. Next, the book will show you examples of configuring your build to produce Docker images and self-executing binary files for Linux/OSX environments.

Finally, the book will teach you how to create custom health indicators, and access monitoring data via HTTP and JMX.Troubleshooting%20Ubuntu%20Server.pdf

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