Programmer Books

VMware vSphere 4 Implementation

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Book Description:

Evolve to a virtual network infrastructure using VMware vSphere 4
Design and deploy a high-performance cloud-based enterprise IT platform with guidance from a VMware expert. Featuring tips, techniques, and best practices, VMware vSphere 4 Implementation explains how to dramatically cut hardware costs, maximize computing power, and centralize system administration. Configure hardware and storage devices, build virtual machines and networks, install guest operating systems, and import physical machines. Security, disaster recovery, performance tuning, and system updates are also covered in this comprehensive resource.

Perform a clean VMware vSphere 4 install or migrate existing systems
Build Distributed Virtual Networks using DvSwitches and VMotion
Manage SAN, NAS, iSCSI, and fiber channel storage devices
Construct VM and provision new copies of Windows/Linux from vCenter
Automate server maintenance with the Distributed Resource Scheduler
Set up multiple security zones, users, permissions, roles, and privileges
Maximize uptime using VMware High Availability and Fault Tolerance
Work with VMware Consolidated Backup, vDR, and Update Manager

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