Programmer Books

Write Web Apps with Dart: Develop and Design

Write Web Apps with Dart: Develop and Design PDF Download for free:

Book Description:

DART, THE OPEN-SOURCE web programming language developed by Google, is designed for building everything from simple console utilities to full-featured applications for browsers and mobile devices. The Dart language is both familiar for seasoned engineers and easy to learn for aspiring programmers.

To get you up and productive, Dart developer Jack Murphy presents a series of solutions that a modern full stack developer will need to become proficient and launch a production application using Dart. In addition to a language introduction and overview, Jack builds a web application that will provide an easy-to-follow walkthrough
of the Dart language and its associated development environments for both front-end and back-end programming. Jack’s web application implements a series of asynchronous browser components using Angular 2 Dart, while also leveraging Dart’s server capabilities to create a Dart-powered REST API.

• Detailed instruction, ample illustrations, and clear examples
• Real-world guidance and advice
• Insight into best practices from a Dart developer

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