Rust Essentials


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Book Description:

Starting by comparing Rust with other programming languages, this book will show you where and how to use Rust. It will discuss primitive types along with variables and their scope, binding and casting, simple functions, and ways to control execution flow in a program.

Next, the book covers flexible arrays, vectors, tuples, enums, and structs. You will then generalize the code with higher-order functions and generics applying it to closures, iterators, consumers, and so on. Memory safety is ensured by the compiler by using references, pointers, boxes, reference counting, and atomic reference counting. You will learn how to build macros and crates and discover concurrency for multicore execution.

By the end of this book, you will have successfully migrated to using Rust and will be able to use it as your main programming language.

What You Will Learn

  • Set up your Rust environment for maximum productivity
  • Bridge the performance gap between safe and unsafe languages with Rust
  • Use pattern matching to create flexible code
  • Apply generics and traits to develop widely applicable code
  • Organize your code in modules and crates
  • Build macros to extend Rust’s capabilities and reach
  • Apply threads to tackle problems concurrently and in distributed environments
  • Interface with C and isolate unsafe code

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